What if there were no lions left in our world?
What if the lion vanished from the wild leaving us only
pictures and statues?
Don’t you think our world would be a very lonely place
without lions?
In 1975
there were an estimated 250,000 lions in Africa. In less than 50 years almost
90% of that population has been lost – the current population stands at around
25,000. Their main threats are loss of habitat, poaching and disease.
Lions could become extinct in our lifetime if we don’t act now!
If you love animals and want to try your luck at winning a big prize, read on!
Create a poster, anything between A2
and A4 size which tells the world about the plight of lions today and what we
can all do about it – before it’s too late! You can read more about it here www.worldlionday.com
All entries to be received by 31st July 2013.
These should be posted to Kingdom of Zion, Gray Road, Kamo RD1, Whangarei 0185.
First Prize
– A trip for your class on a guided tour at Kingdom of Zion
Second Prize
– A Family pass for a feed or enrichment tour
Third Prize
– A Family Pass for a guided tour.