Sunday, 25 August 2013


Click under the Inquiry tab to see our findings on communication technology and our group reflections.

Inquiry Module 3 - Video

Room 4 you are such fabulous inquirers =). You should be very proud of your AMAZING work.


A big welcome to Devonta and your whanau.

We are so lucky to have you in Room 4 =). You have made a fantastic start by asking questions, trying hard and winning the 'best boy award'. Keep up the fantastic work!

Happy Birthday Rudra and Om!

Happy Birthday Rudra and Om! 
Nine years young!

We hope you both had a fantastic,super exciting birthday!

We would like to thank your family for their kindness.


Well done to the BASIC FACT CHAMPIONS!!


 You are awesome super learners.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Look under the Inquiry Tab to check out our AMAZING group assignments on Communication Technology.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

National Anthem

Kia ora,

Speak another language!
Click the link and learn our New Zealand National Anthem in sign language.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Community Assembly

Well done to Breanna from Room 4. You are super kind, thoughtful and hard working all of the time!
Keep up the excellent work!

Plane making in mixed community groups

Plane making in mixed community groups

Mrs. Kaka showing Community 1 how to make paper planes!

Flying the planes

Conservation Week

Hi there!

Do you love animals? Here is some extra for experts homework for week 4 and 5.

Conservation week starts on the 9th of September. We could win a class trip to visit the whanau of reptiles, butterflies, primates and more at butterfly creek!

To be in to win, make a Conservation Week art creation/ poster!  Create something that shows how conservation and family connect? Butterfly Creek will be giving extra credit for including animals that live at Butterfly Creek. The project will need to be finished by the 25th of August.

Did you know that Cotton top tamarin monkeys form families (Whanau) of their own? These highly social primates live in family groups of two to nine individuals, just like people! The cotton-tops are just one of the amazing animals you will see on your visit to butterfly creek.

Bring your amazing posters to school and Miss Andrews will send them in!

Kite Day

Kite Day was awesome!
Thanks so much to Mr. and Mrs. Bale,  Mr. Villanueva, Mrs. Soto, Mrs. Patel and Mrs. Patel who came along to fly kites with Room 4.

Mason's super high kite

Usaia's super high kite

Miss Campbell untangling a mess!

Stuck in a tree

John's kite got stuck in the pool!

Mason flying his super high kite. 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Chess Competition!

Well done to Dev, Jo and John for taking part in the chess competition with Mr. Smith.
You are awesome!

The Cup Song

By Jo, Deasy, Micah and Breanna

Monday, 5 August 2013

Class Captains

Here are our wonderful class captains...

Term 1: Dev Patel 

Term 2: Micah and Ben

And who are the Term 3 class captains?

Term 3: Gavin and Teba

Thank you all for being such good leaders!! You make the world a better place =).

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Welcome Back

Welcome back to term 3!

It is so wonderful to see you all. I hope you had a fantastic and relaxing holiday. 

Here are some important dates that are coming up this term...

8th August: Rippa Tournament
14th August: Japanese visitors arrive
15th August: Kite Day
16th August: Full School Assembly
23rd August: Mufti day
30th August: Mufti Day - Daffoldil Day - Full School Assembly
4th September: School Cross Country

Ilham is ecstatic to be back at school with his bag that changes emotions every day!