Saturday 28 September 2013

Insect Art and other T3W9 events

Check out our fantastic insect art.
We are going to look into what effect insects have on our environment. 

Cross Country Champions

Well done to Aline, 1st Place, Mason 2nd Place an Devonta 3rd Place.
What a talented bunch!


We are learning how to use google docs through our own google accounts. 

Happy Birthday Micah

Happy Birthday Micah/ Nancy!

9 Years Young! Thank you for the delicious cupcakes.

Happy Birthday Caitlin

Happy Birthday Cailtin!
We hope you had a lovely day.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Maths Check

Try these Year 4 Maths problems...

Year 4 Maths Check 4a
Year 4 Maths Check 4b

Leave a comment, how many did you get out of ten?

If you consider yourself a Maths Expert try these challenges for the Maths Experts

Year 4 Gifted Test

Wednesday 11 September 2013


A big thank you to all of the parents and students who helped support our Year 6 students to help fund raise for camp.

The disco was so much fun! See the photos under the photos tab.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Reading Rocks! By Mason Te Tana

Hi my name is Mason and I am in Room 4.
These are my Roald Dahl books that I bought. I first started to like Roald Dahl when I read these books at the Glenfield Primary library. We read The Witches in class, it was quite interesting so I decided to read the other books. In the holidays I spent just about all my money on Roald Dahl books! My newest books are Going Solo and Boy-tales of childhood. For Christmas I want to get the whole collection because I LOVE TO READ!!!

By Mason

****BOOK WEEK!!!!****

Last week was Book Week... and we LOVED IT!

Here is what we said about it...

Book week was great because all the books were fun to read. By Dev Patel

Book week was fun because we got to dress up as book characters. By Usaia

It was really great because we got new books and I love to read. By Ilham

Michelle relaxing with a good book.

Book Characters!

Reda found a book with disgusting facts.

Jo brought this Geronimo Stilton book for $5!

Ben found out about a man with 3 legs in this book.

Devonta is trying to figure out the maze.

It is super awesome to see everybody reading! Well done Room 4.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Cross Country Photos

Click the photos Tab and check out the snaps from the GPS Cross Country. Can you spot the cat and the shark?

Edge of the Sun

For the singing girls....